Ways to Embrace Your Winter Arc

Ever since the weather has started changing, the term “Winter Arc” has been going viral all over social media: basically setting yourself up to literally start fresh at the New Year. Here is what I’ve learned with this term: I’m here for it. I love the idea of using the cooler months as a way to get reflect inward to get ahead of your goals and intentions by January 1-rather than attempting to do this exercise as soon as New Years hits. For me another aspect that goes in my favor is the fact that I turned 34 this month. Therefore, it’s a perfect time to reflect on intentions for the next year. So here are some ways to embrace your Winter Arc.

  • Create a Schedule-I don’t know about all of you: but during these months I want to be home more. I’m in my homebody era. Therefore, I love to use this time to modify my schedule and create a more optimal routine. I know for a fact with the craziness of summertime, certain aspects of my routine got neglected-so I like to use this time to dial it back.
  • Set a Bedtime Routine-Another aspect that I need to get back. Post my daughter’s bedtime routine I’m scrambling to get the last minute tasks done-and that evening wind down doesn’t happen as I’d like it to. So, I’m using this time to further refine that.
  • Pick one Goal and go all in-This year it’s my hormone health. As a PCOS girlie I’m very in tune with my hormones. Yet, in the last several months I’ve been feeling some changes-so I’d like to use this time to dive in and figure out any changes I need to make.
  • Cut out Toxic people-This has saved my life. Highly recommend. Enough Said

Although I am a little late to the whole “winter arc” trend, I’d love to use this as a time to set the foundation for starting fresh in the New Year. We’ve still got some time. So lets embrace the winter arc!


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