Re-Wearing Items I Wore in the Early 2000s

If you’re one to follow style trends, you’re witnessing that 90s and early 2000s styles are making a come back-basically things that I wore in high school and college, When my millennial self saw my old school trends making come back, my initial reaction was a HECK NO, and even today I’m still holding on to my jeggings. However, after doing my homework on how to wear those styles in 2023, I’ve learned a thing or two and I’m actually enjoying them. So here is my mini review as I re-wore things that were in style from back in the day.

Baggy/Wide Leg Jeans/PantsSo back in the day, I never really got into the super baggy jeans trend. However, as a woman in my 30s, I’ve come to love my wide legs. I love styling a high waisted pair with a button down, body suit, or a normal t-shirt. AND I learned that I can wear everything from sneakers to boots, to sandals to heels with them and EVERYTHING looks good. So if you haven’t already invest in a wide leg/baggy pair. it works with everything.

Flared Jeans-I wore these a lot back in high school and college. So much so, that I wasn’t ready to jump on the skinny jeans trend (imagine that). SO when I realized that they were back it was 1. a little triggering to my high school myself, and 2. a little off putting because I didn’t want to look like I was back in high school. However, after some research, here’s what I learned about wearing them today: pair them with a top that outlines the frame, add sneakers, and if you’re cold add a chunky knit rather than a tighter knit. OR add a chunky sweater and it just works. Another interesting thing about the flared jeans now vs. then is that they’re a lot more size inclusive. They don’t feel as tight around the waist and hips and they’re more comfortable to put on-so that’s definitely a welcome change. Yes, even the low rise ones.

Shorter tops-So I’m not into wearing a crop top with low rise. That’s just not my vibe. However, I am seeing slightly longer options are available to skim the belt line of a low rise jeans-which I’m ok with. But a crop top with a low rise? No thank you.

Blazers-I’m so glad these are back. They’re versatile, can be paired with anything and everything and are a cooler weather staple. I love that there are chunky ones, knit ones, and everything inbetween to go with well-everything.

So those are a few of the early 2000s clothing items I tried and have come to terms with. While I’ve incorporated some of these things, I’m still holding on to my jeggings and longer tops because there are certain days that I just don’t want to think about a 2023 outfit, but hey, life is all about balance right?


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