Top Favorites for Baby’s Independent Playtime (3-6 months)

So I’ve been in the US for about a month now, and I will be here for a month longer. Let me tell you, it’s…

3 Tips on Traveling with a Baby during a Pandemic

So it’s definitely been a minute, but it feels like many many more. I write this back home in California and I’m so so grateful.…

Wavy Girl Hair Journey (So far)

So lately there is a major movement to embrace our natural selves-mentally, physically, emotionally-in all aspects of our life. I am HERE FOR IT! I’m…

3 Things I Learned About Myself After Having a Baby

I’m sure you’ve heard this from others and myself at least once: Motherhood is a learning process. It is most definitely a learning process in…

Brands We Love-Baby Care

Continuing with my “Brands We Love” series, where I talk about local brands I love underneath different umbrellas. This week’s category: Baby Care. To check…

4 Pant options for the Summer Months

To deviate a little from my pregnancy/postpartum related blog posts the last few weeks, I thought I’d talk about something a little more light hearted…

4th Trimester Morning Routine

If you haven’t worked it out already, I LOVE routine. Having some sort of structure sets me up for what to expect during the day,…
