My Evening Routine

Ever since I’ve come back from the U.S., I’ve made a couple changes to my day-to-day life. One of those changes is having evening routine. Earlier, I had somewhat of a routine, but it was never truly established. However, for my mental health and sanity, I’ve realized that my evening routine is just as precious as my morning routine. As I do it more and more, I don’t want to compromise on it! Imagine that. Here are some of the things I do to wind down my day

  • Prepare for Tomorrow-Honestly, I forgot how much of an impact this has. By preparing for the following day the evening before, I actually have the time to choose what I want to wear and match the accessories. Not only is saving me significant time in the morning, but because I am taking my time, I am rediscovering items that I haven’t worn in awhile because I just grab the first thing in a morning rush! Through all of this has made me feel so settled:)
  • Light a Candle: After I finish dinner, I light a candle in my room every evening, which releases an amazing smell and just feels good. I managed to get my hands on a few Bath & Body Works candles on sale, so of course I am going to put them to good use!!
  • Talk to my fam: Every night I talk to my parents and sister and share my day and whatever is going on. That’s simply therapeutic.
  • Watch My Shows: I feel like this is a no brainer. However, after I’m in my Pjs, clothes are decided, dinner is done, laundry is put away; I am in bed watch my shows, and thats like a relief….everything is done for the day, and now I can just be :). I love it, and my husband is not home at that time so those couple hours are mine.
  • Read: Depending on the time, I try to read sometime before bed to limit my screen time. I am sticking to my one book a month rule, and it’s keeping things interesting. To me, it is one of the best ways to wind down at the end the day.

Just like my morning routine, having an evening routine has definitely created a more stable and relaxed environment for myself. Establishing this routine has definitely worked well for me, and I intend continue it! Thats it for now!


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