So last week I wrote a blog post about local maternity brands I love and I am still currently using. As my pregnancy progressed, I realized that it’s definitely splurging on some maternity wear pieces to keep things easy and comfortable moving forward. So for me, the bulk of my third trimester was in the middle of the winter months, so I immediately gravitated towards warmer, supportive pieces that were cozy to wear and were multifunctional. So the pieces below are the bare minimum of what I’d recommend for maternity fashion wear, and how they can be used for everything from staying to going out to everything in between.
Leggings-Even in a nonmaternity situation, leggings are an easy go-to to keep things comfortable. I basically lived in my maternity leggings. Anytime they’d go for laundry I would be eagerly waiting for them to get cleaned so I can wear them again! The best part about leggings is that can be used casually at home or even while going out for a date night or to a friends house. Of course they can easily be mixed well with a non maternity top that flatters the bump beautifully.
Joggers/Sweatpants-Another super comfortable option. Perfect for a casual day/night out, cozy day/night in, an athleisure look or even a workout. Maternity athleisure covers the bump beautifully and keep things super carefree and cozy all the time.
Ponchos-Ponchos are yet another multi purpose option. Whether it’s maternity or non maternity wear, ponchos are great for keeping it all in tact. The biggest advantage with maternity ponchos is that they can be used as nursing clothing during postpartum.
Dresses: So dresses are a must-have if you’re pregnant through the summer. Why? because they are one piece of clothing that covers everything. Who doesn’t like that?? Because majority of my 3rd trimester was through the winter months, maternity dresses weren’t very high on my priority list, but I advocate them for ANYONE who is experience pregnancy in the warmer months.
So there you have a it, a couple of maternity fashion must-haves everyone should go for in their pregnancy wardrobe. Of course this is the absolute minimum, one can easily go above and beyond as well. For example, I also have maternity jeans, overalls, sweatshirts, dresses, and long sleeve tops that I simply couldn’t resist. However, the items above are a must for every pregnant woman. Trust me on this, you’ll thank me later for it!
I love your maternity fashion picks! Especially because you made it look super cute and not boring.
I made it a point not to look boring. its a beautiful journey so we should have fun with it!
I’m gonna have to reference this someday when I’m expecting!!😊❤️