A few days ago, we had World Mental Health Day, which allowed the whole week to turn into Mental Health Week-increasing its awareness and reemphasizing how important it is to maintain and check in. I actually learned the importance and impact of mental health the hard way by going through extremely tough situations this year alone. These situations actually opened my eyes to the impact mental health has on our well-being and physical health. Mentally, multiple instances this year brought out extreme anxiety, in which my confidence dropped and I was constantly comparing myself to others. On a physical level, these negative thoughts and feelings led me to lose my appetite because I just didn’t feel like eating, and working out more than necessary to keep busy. As a result, the color drained from my face and I lost weight due to extreme stress. So whatever I was going through mentally showed a physical impact.
During my annual trip to the U.S., I started putting myself back together and finally started investing in my mental health with little check-ins that actually worked. Most of those activities can be read in my Self-love Blog Post. However, I’ve experienced positive results in both physical and mental ways. Check out what has worked me for and definitely try it for yourself!
Journalling–Having a pen and paper to word vomit my thoughts allows me to vent out my crazy mind without unloading onto others. Mentally-it’s allowed me to organize what’s going on in my head, in an effort to effectively communicate it later if needed. Physically, because that weight of something being on my mind has been lifted, there is a visible relief and glow on my face.
Getting a Manicure-I definitely underestimated the power of a manicure. Physically-it’s so pretty. Mentally-we look at our hands all day, and when they are pretty we just feel good! I love playing up with accessories and taking pictures when my hands are all nice and pretty!
Working Out-We all know working out is a good thing, and it has impacts both physically and mentally. Physically-its just good to get your body moving. Mentally-doing pilates, yoga, or a dance fitness class allows me to get out of my head and in-tune with my body. Therefore, I’m not fixating on the crap that’s going on in my head.
Doing “Nothing”-Honestly I learned that it’s good to zone out. Taking a few minutes just to be still and catch up with yourself through meditation or watching T.V. just feels good. Mentally-I’ve learned that if I am able to give myself some time alone, then I’m able to be the best version of myself to others. Otherwise I’m much more impatient and negative about everything. Physically-it shows on my face, if I’m at peace then all the happy hormones come into effect-ultimately impacting how I look and feel.
These are just a few actions for my mental health that have impacted me all over. Other practices include having my daily routines and doing whatever makes me feel good. Self-love all the way! Just like physical health, mental health is an ongoing process. I have good days and bad days, and the point is to keep going. Not easy for sure. but not giving up!
That’s all for now!