Let’s face it. The world is going through a dark time right now. From the bush fires in Australia to the spreading violence across India to the impending conflict between United States and Iran; there’s a lot going on the world and frankly it’s depressing. It seems like tragic events are happening one after the other, and there’s only negativity in the world. Psychologically, constantly hearing or being around negative energy strongly affects our mood and overall well being. While we must not forget all the horrible events happening in the world, we still have to remember that there is good in the world as well.
If you follow the regular news, you’d know that the broadcasts and overly heated debates are skewed towards the bad and the ugly that’s happening in the world (remember Arnab Goswami?). However, in an attempt to keep viewers sucked in and in a state of panic; they won’t shed light on the good that’s happening around. As a result, we mistake the world for being an inherently evil place, and that’s just depressing! It is for this reason, I don’t even watch the news, and I choose to stay informed through notifications on my phone so I don’t have to hear the drama and read through the fluff. For example, last year everything went viral about the Amazon Fires-which is so sad and extremely unfortunate, but did any news source mention that these fires happen every year? Personally, I learned that from a Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness Podcast. Or did you know that last year Humpback whales recovered from extinction?? or the fact that Northern Ireland finally legalized abortion?? Basically, for all the shit that’s going on right now, there’s also good, and it’s up to us to seek that good news as much as we stay informed about the soul-sucking news.
So therefore, amongst the political mess and climate crisis; there are some shining moments in the world that indicate that we’re still moving forward a little. We just have to know where to look. So in these dark times, find your light :).
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