So I just had my birthday this weekend. Happy Birthday to me!! I don’t even know where this last year has gone. However, 28 was A LOT in so many ways with significant personal growth for which I couldn’t be more thankful. I always look forward to birthdays. Celebrating the beginning of a new year with loved ones is definitely something to be thankful for. This year, I brought in my birthday with some friends the night before and then my wonderful husband took me for a delicious lunch in the afternoon. It was perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything more :).
A lot of times as we get older we get more afraid about the what is going to happen in our lives. However, as I’m getting older, I’m evolving into a more authentic and real version of myself, and it has me looking forward to what’s next. As I enter the final year of my 20s, the one mantra I’m focusing on is to elevate myself: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, etc. My self-love journey in the last year has allowed me to get back to activities I’ve always loved doing, giving me to a chance to shift from one version of myself to the other.
I’m excited to see what 29 has in store. So cheers to 29, no idea what’s to come, but looking forward to it. Manifesting for good things and good vibes.
Hope you’ll join me for the journey!
Happy 29th. 😊
Enjoy the youngness.