Celebrating the Holiday Season amidst the Pandemic

If you haven’t already worked out with the title, the Holiday Season is looking a little different this year-just like everything else. For the last couple years, I went home to California to celebrate Christmas, and with that I would literally light up. As much as I enjoy the Christmas activities here in Delhi, it’s just not the same as the magic I experience there. Nevertheless, before I started going home for Christmas, I would attend every possible Christmas market/event to just be a part of the spirit. Well, COVID messed up both of those plans: travel and markets/events. Emotionally, that’s been quite taxing on me. I’ve had days where I’d cry because I cannot travel, and pregnancy hormones definitely don’t help in this case. Nevertheless, I’ve tried my level best to compensate for celebrating Christmas in different ways and here’s how:

Going Extra with the Decorations: I don’t know about you, but I definitely bought more decorations this year. Rather than putting the Christmas tree in a public area of my house, I put the tree in my room, and this year I added a tree skirt, Christmas cushions, stockings, and a Christmas candle, which burns from afternoon to evening (I want to use it up by the end of the month).

Holiday Movies Everyday: Ever since Dec 1, I’ve been watching a Christmas movie every single day. Thanks to Netflix, I’ve been watching a different movie everyday, and it just immediately keeps the festive mood going. Basically after my lunch and walk, I need some downtime before my husband comes home. So I light my handle, turn on my tree lights, snuggle up under the blanket and watch a movie. It’s such a perfect way to get through the down time and add to the festivities.

Christmas Music: Whenever I don’t have a podcast to listen to, Spotify’s Christmas Pop Playlist is playing on loop since December 1. Because why not right? We gotta keep the spirit going regardless or how crazy this year has been.

So despite my efforts with all of this, I still have those days where I have a good cry or I want to punch something. But I’m going with the fact that it is human nature and sometimes we just need to let it out. Nevertheless, the small touches I’ve mentioned above have really helped get through a COVID version of the holiday season. So as we continue thru Christmas week, try some of these things out for yourself, and Merry Christmas to you!


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  1. December 23, 2020 / 8:12 pm

    I like that you put in the effort to still make the holiday magic work at your house. 🥰 It’s the best we can do for this year. Happy Holidays, dear friend. 💜

  2. Archana
    December 26, 2020 / 3:22 pm

    I also do the same Christmas music is best idea😊

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