Celebrating Halloween with my Toddler

Hello! I hope you all had an absolutely wonderful Halloween! I cannot believe that it’s already November. Time is FLYING, but I do have to tell you about Halloween this year. It was indeed a special one: Aisha’s first to experience and I got to relive being a kid on Halloween.

When it came to choosing her costume, I wanted something easy, affordable, and cute. Walmart had the perfect costume: A fuss-free Minnie Mouse that’s easy to walk in and comfortable for her, and I got some easy cat accessories to create a cat look for the occasion.

Since it’s her very first trick-or-treating experience, we opted to take her to Treat Street Downtown and just kind of let her run and around and take in the experience. My original thought was even if she just ran around and absorbed it all in, without trick-or-treating that’s totally fine. However, she loved the whole experience. For most of the time, she held my hand and walked from store to store, putting out her pumpkin bucket to get her candy. She very quickly figured out that Halloween is the day she’s going to get stuff. So she was so happy to walk everywhere, holding onto her pumpkin bucket very tightly-to the point that she wasn’t willing to let go of it for even a second.

At the end of the trick-or-treating experience, she even took inventory of all the candy she got. For me, as a mom, I’m just grateful she had a wonderful time, and I’m looking to making more memories with her in years to come.


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  1. November 3, 2022 / 7:57 pm

    Aww you did a great job! I like how you went to Treat street to adjust to her possibly being overwhelmed- Greta tip!

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