Everything I’m Currently Doing to Achieve Glass Skin

If you’ve been following me for a minute you’d know that I love skincare. I love how it makes me feel, I love the indulgence…

6 Ways I’m Keeping my Life Organized

OMG it’s Fall and I couldn’t be more excited for all of it. As I’m typing this, I’m sitting in a cafe next to the…

WinZip Driver Updater unwanted software uninstall tutorial

If you are under 17 years old and have completed driver training in another state , you will be required to provide acceptable proof of…

Getting Glam for a Desi Wedding & Handling a Kid at …

So last week we got to attend a big fat Indian wedding, which was definitely a good time, and an experience with a 19 month…

5 Things to Tell my Husband this Father’s Day

One of the most precious things I get to witness on a daily basis is the relationship between my husband and daughter. How they both…

Valuable Lessons I’ve learned in taking care of Aisha

This month I officially complete 9 months of motherhood aka Aisha will be 9 months old! How crazy! Where has the time gone?! Everything is…

31 Lessons I’ve Learned in the Last few Years

It’s my birthday week. I turn 31 this year, and this year I took the opportunity to reflect on some of the most valuable lessons…
