5 Ways to Thrive as a Stay At Home Mom

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about my daily routine after moving to California. You can check out that blog post here. Nevertheless, I created that routine to ensure I stay sane while being a stay at home mom. If you were to talk to me 5 years ago, I’d hate the idea of being someone who stays home all day because it used to feel depressing and make me anxious. Oh how times have changed. Thanks to the lockdown, I realized that I am able to build a space for myself without leaving the house, yet that took a few intentional steps-and through becoming a mother a few more steps got added. So here are a few things I do to (try to) thrive as a stay at home mom!

Set a Schedule-The most obvious things: setting a schedule to keep yourself organized and get things done. I spoke about my daily routine earlier: but also I’m talking a laundry schedule, house cleaning schedule, or even an errands schedule. Currently, I do have a laundry, a cleaning schedule, a loosely-based errands schedule, and working on some sort of work schedule…it helps keeps things going right?

Little Things-Doing the little things that make YOU happy. For me, it’s having my daily 2 cups of coffee without Aisha jumping around or having an extra piece of chocolate in the afternoons. Basically, the little tidbits that one indulges to bring a smile to their face/feel good/stay sane.

Do “Nothing”-I mentioned this in a previous blog post that I literally schedule down time during the day. I can’t emphasize enough how much I need it even more now. There will always be chores that need to get done, but they can be done at a later point. For me, I use Aisha’s nap time to get some serious me time in. It gives me a chance to recharge for the evening, which in turn, keeps me going. Plus I have significant more energy to care for Aisha until bedtime.

Get Dressed-Another thing I’ve mentioned multiple times is getting up and actually putting on an outfit for the day. When one is not attending an actual 9-to-5, it’s very easy to be comfy and stay comfy the entire day. However, putting on an actual outfit is a whole mood, which changes your approach to the entire day.

Step Outside-Another easy thing to do: is to stay inside. However, we all know natural light and fresh air do wonders for our mind, body, and soul. Therefore getting outdoors, even for a little bit brings a big smile to my face and I’m sure it’ll do the same for you as well!

Laugh-I have a toddler who does a lot of silly things. Thanks to her, I’m able to get a very good laugh in regularly, and the light mood keeps things interesting and keeps my spirits high. It’s so simple: just laugh

So those are a few of things I’m doing in an attempt to thrive as a stay at home mom, which I’m lucky that I get to be one. What is something you’d add to the list?


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  1. August 31, 2022 / 8:02 am

    I love all your tips! Especially sticking to a schedule and getting dressed. It helps you feel motivated.

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