Can you believe it’s already February? It’s crazy how the time is flying. So let me be real for a minute: I’ve done my fair share of Valentines blog posts, and when it came to planning this month’s content I was honestly very confused. The question I kept asking myself was “what do I want to talk about?” “what do I want to share?” I realized wait, let me talk about what I actually do want. What I, as a toddler mom, actually want for Valentines or any other day of the year. Don’t get me wrong, I love the gifts and the flowers, but here’s what all moms would LOVE this Valentines Day.
Sleep-I don’t remember the last time I slept until 8 a.m., forget later than that. Why? Because my routine is around my little’s routine. I’d love to be able to sleep in a little or essentially not feel the need to wake up early.
More time to Netflix & Chill-Who here would love to sit on the couch and watch TV without pausing? ME-raising two hands. Between kid and husband…..there’s a lot of pausing.
Massage-I’m lifting my kid, bending down to be at her eye level, plus running after her to make sure she doesn’t do anything she’s not supposed to, my body is tired. I’d love a massage or a good stretch, and I’m sure other moms would too.
Night Out without Kiddos-It could be a romantic date night or a galentines night out. Just a night out to dress up and wear the clothes you can’t wear with littles around and have fun.
Sentimental-And finally, we moms love the cute sentimental stuff. Anything handmade with a lot of thought goes a long long way.
So those are 5 things we moms would LOVE this Valentines Day. Is there anything I’m missing?
I’m loving all these gift ideas! I think you got it all covered (nothing missing)!
haha thank you so much Komal!