5 Productivity Hacks I’m Currently Following

At the beginning of this year, I made it a priority to be more mindful of how I use my time. After giving birth to Aisha, I completely lost my concept of timing and scheduling, and it took me a few months to finally get it back and in sync with Aisha’s routine. So over the last few weeks, I’ve started following 5 productivity hacks that have proven to be serious game changers with how I organize my day. These hacks work really really well for me, but they might not work for everyone else. However, definitely check them out below, and give them a try for yourself!

Early Wake Ups to Get Ahead of the Day: First things first, early wake ups. Over the last few years,  I made it a habit to wake up early in the morning to start the day, and it has worked wonders. Pre-baby my wakeup time would be 6 a.m., but post baby time my wake up time is 5 a.m., and it’s seriously changed my life. I’m able to start my day on a quiet note with some breathing, meditation, workout, shower, and-if I’m lucky-a morning coffee, all before Aisha wakes up. Starting my day like this allows me to set the pace and tone and get a lot of my necessary things done before Aisha wakes up. So typically, from 5ish to 7ish, I take that time to myself to start my day well.

Doing my Most Mundane Tasks First.:Everybody’s clock works differently, but I’ve discovered that I’m my most productive between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2 p.m. At this point, I’ve done my morning routine, had my breakfast, and Aisha is down for her first nap-so I use this time to get all the quick, mundane tasks done-like putting laundry away. I’ve learned that if I put off a simplistic job for later, it won’t get done. So I try to get it done when I’m in that productive zone. However, usually I’m able to get mundane tasks done right away, and then use the rest of the time to get my blog work done.

Take Out Clothes a Day Before: One of the mundane tasks I try to to in the first half of the day is take out my outfit one day before. This includes: the evening’s pajamas, tomorrow morning’s work out clothes, and tomorrow mornings outfit-with the matching accessories. Doing this simple task has saved me so much time in the morning that I’m able to move smoothly from one task to the next, and the best part is it takes maybe 10 minutes, and I listen to a podcast while doing it.

Writing Down Everything: One of my New Years resolutions was to write down everything because I forget, well, everything. This has helped me so much. I have a planner where I write down my entire schedule for the day (more on that in this blog post), I have an ideas notebook, where I jot down any content ideas I have, and I have journal where I free write a couple times a week to ease my mind. Handwriting everything clears my head, calms me down, and helps me plan my time in a much better way.

Down Time: A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about some of the updated self-care and mental health practices I’ve been doing post-giving birth. The scheduling time to “do nothing” has made me more productive. Because I have that designated down time during Aisha’s 2nd nap, I’m able to have much more mental and physical energy for the evening hours and it gives me an opportunity to have my creative content juices flow! Believe it or not, thats when I come up with most of my content ideas! I just let them come to me!

So those are my top 5 productivity hacks I’m currently implementing. I promise you they are true true game changers and I highly recommend trying one of these for yourself! What productivity hacks do you implement??


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  1. Sanna
    March 31, 2022 / 12:31 am

    These hacks are so great! I need to start writing everything down!

  2. March 31, 2022 / 6:39 am

    I was always amazed at how productive you were with having a little one. And now we know your secret (haha). But honestly, these tips are amazing. I have been doing tip#3 since I was in middle school (crazy). And most of the others since high school/college. I struggle with waking up early but I know I need to in order to be the most productive. Anyway, these were great tips!

    • March 31, 2022 / 11:13 am

      And eventually you will get there too. It became more set in stone for me after giving birth cuz time is so valuable!

  3. April 2, 2022 / 12:12 pm

    I’m a mid morning waker and my best work is done after lunch. I make time daily for downtime, and do more when everyone else goes to bed. I tend to be most productive in the hours when I am alone. I think it’s because my brain can focus on one thing.

    • April 3, 2022 / 10:45 am

      Thats so good that you know yourself so well and you’ve found a system that works really well for you!

  4. April 2, 2022 / 9:51 pm

    I enjoyed these. 3 and 4 are lifesavers for me. I will definitely keep the others in mind too!

  5. April 3, 2022 / 12:04 am

    Ah Early Wakeups! Hard to do but definitely always worth it!

  6. April 4, 2022 / 8:13 am

    Great article! My biggest struggle is waking up earlier to get things done, but when I do I am a lot more productive!

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