So this weekend we celebrate Indian Independence day on August 15th, and that got me thinking about the different aspects I truly appreciate about India. I’ve been living in India for almost 6 years now, and the country has definitely grown on me. There are so many aspects that I’ve grown to love that I’m lucky to have found my happy medium. In fact, I might have not had a chance to discover these aspects if I was living in the U.S. or another western country. So here are a few of things I’ve grown to love while living in India.
Diversity-The diversity of this country astounds me. Just about every state has its own cuisine, language, culture, and customs and that is remarkable to experience! Even the food in each region of India is different, and the best part is that it’s yummy! Every corner of India you visit you learn about a new aspect of Indian culture, which just adds to how fascinating this place is!
Ayurvedic Lifestyle-The whole world is moving towards holistic health practices with the food we eat and the lives we live. Where do a lot those practices originate from?? India. Whether it is eating seasonal food that is easily digestible for your body type or meditating. A plethora of holistic health practices originated in India. That made me both proud and curious at the same time. Through my journey or exploring a holistically healthy lifestyle, I’ve had the opportunity to learn about Ayurveda and incorporate some of its practices into my lifestyle.
Rich History-So I find American history extremely boring to study. I really like history as a subject, but U.S. history was never my favorite. I always gravitated towards world history, and within that my knowledge is definitely limited because the “world history” I grew up learning was only the “western world.” However, after moving to India, I had a chance to explore Indian history, and learning about it immediately fascinated me. Whether it is a historical movie, book, or an exhibit I’m soaking up Indian history like a sponge! It’s much more interesting! With kingdoms, royalty, and riches, It’s so fascinating to learn about, and I’m still learning!
The Clothes-I’ve always loved Indian clothes, but being exposed to even more types of fabric and clothing within India has been a beautiful experience. I’m learning about the quality of fabric, how different fabrics work for certain seasons, and of course wearing all sorts of beautiful outfits. Playing dress up with Indianwear is its own kind of fun! 😀
So there you have a it, a few aspects I’ve grown to love through my adventure of living in India. The factors above make me so proud of where I’m from that I just want to share them with the world. So no matter where in the world you are, take this week to celebrate being Indian :). It’s a lot to be proud of.
Love how you went into detail about what you love about India. Great idea for a blog post! Also omg I didn’t know silk was warm either!
Thank you so much Komal!
So true ✅ Thanks for sharing this babe loved it😊
Thank you for reading Archana!
I really enjoyed reading this because I’ve never been to India! I can’t wait to visit someday!💕
Thank you so much!