3 Things you can do to Celebrate Pride Month

With everything happening last week and the Black Lives Matter movement, let’s not forget that June is Pride Month, which honors the 1969 Stonewall Riots. The riots were a turning point for the Gay Rights Movement, and ultimately led the month of June being celebrated as Pride Month. The first Gay Pride Parade took place New York City 50 years ago on June 28, 1970 on the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising.

In normal circumstances, Pride Month would be celebrated with events and parades all over the globe, where all ages and genders are welcome to attend. However, this year is a little different thanks to COVID-19, and that brings the question of what can be done to celebrate pride? to celebrate love being love? What can you as a straight person do to celebrate Pride Month? Well let’s find out!

#21DaysAllyChallenge: Here in India, Pride Circle is doing a #21DaysAllyChallenge to get allies of the LGBTQ+ together on a digital platform and participate in mini challenges for 21 days during Pride month. Of course it’s been a few days since the challenges started, but anyone can still join. You learn more about here.

Attending Virtual Events: Of course, just like everything else during this pandemic, there are so many LGBTQ+ events that will be happening online throughout the month. Check out a few, attend a few, and be a part of the celebrations!

Educate: One of the most important things we can do is further educate ourselves. We can start with how and why Pride Month started or even research LGBTQ+ people in our community. A great resource to learn more or be a better ally to the LGBTQ+ community is The Trevor Project. I also did a little bit of research to learn about LGBTQ+ individuals in our Desi community:

  • Lilly Singh
  • Alok Vaid Menon
  • Sonal Giani

The more we know and understand what Pride Month is all about, the better we’ll be able to evolve into a more open society.

Celebrating Pride Month is so important to recognize the struggles the LGBTQ+ community went through-and for what? to simply love and be with who they wanted to be with. So take this time to broaden your mind, attend events, google people in you area, and have some pride yourself!


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