2 Practices I’m Adopting with My Toddler in 2023

A few weeks ago, a wonderful human connected with me on Instagram offering to send me her book to read through as a South Asian parent, and I’m so glad I said yes. For the Love of Laxmi by Bijal Shah is a wonderful illustrated book which highlights the South Asian stereotypes that take place in our everyday households. After some dwelling and contemplating, the remainder of this blog post came to be: The practices I’d like to adopt with Aisha moving forward in 2023: divided into 2 sections-breaking South Asian Stereotypes and Being my Little Helper.


 Breaking South Asian Stereotypes: Here’s what we’re working with-raising a brown kid, in a brown household in a predominantly white town. There is a lot of duality and dichotomy and stereotypes are inevitable. In fact, once upon a time I was that kid-and I remember growing up confused on where I’d come from and where I belong. However, my intention with Aisha is to keep them to a minimum by ensuring she feels normal in her own community and space. Whatever she chooses to adopt from whatever culture she experiences should be a part of who she is-and not ingrained in her from myself or others.

Being my Little Helper: On a lighter note, this is such a fun age to experience with her! She’s so curious of what we, as parents, are doing and wants to participate in household tasks. So instead of getting her pretend household items, I’ve chosen to encourage the participation the real thing. She loves washing the dishes, cleaning out the dishwasher and even cooking. Ultimately, we are learning, making a mess, and cleaning up all at the same time. It’s a good time.

So those are a couple of things I’m working on with Aisha as she continues to grow. Parents, any tips for me??


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  1. January 12, 2023 / 8:38 pm

    Omg I love that you include her in cooking (even thought it’s a mess). Kids want to feel important and want to help. You’re doing such a great job!

    • January 13, 2023 / 2:08 pm

      Aww thank you Komal! That’s very encouraging!

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